Saturday, June 30, 2012

Now I Understand by Daesia Espinoza

This was written by my daughter Daesia when she was 14 years old.  She wrote this as an assignment for the IB program at school.  This is about my MS diagnosis from her perspective at the time. 

                                                Now  I  Understand

              I’ve  always  known  my  mother  to  be  smart,  loving,  caring,  and  strong.  But  when  she  was  diagnosed  with  MS  things  started  to  change.  Some  for  the  better  and  others  for  the  worse.   

             When  I  was  told  the  news  I  was  naturally  scared.  I  didn’t  have  a  clue  as  to  what  MS  was,  I  just  knew  it  was  hurting  her  from  inside.  My  first  reaction  was  to  cry,  but  she  was  able  to  calm  me  down  by  telling  me  everything  would  be  okay.  As  her  child  I  believed  her,  and  all  of  a  sudden  I  knew  she  would  survive.

            Now  since  a  few  years  have  passed  I  realize  I  should  be  grateful  for  what  I  have  and  not  take  anything  for  granted.  My  mother  is  alive  and  well and  there  is  nothing  I  would  want  more  in  the  world. I  am  proud  of  her  for  being  strong,  but  most  of  all for  being  so  courageous  and  keeping  her  trust  in  God.   She  will  always  be  my  role  model  and  hero.  

            This  experience  helped  me  better  understand  myself  and  the  world.  About  myself  I  now  understand  that  as  long  as  I  believe  and  trust  in  God  everything  will  be  okay.  About  the world  I  now  know  that  my  family  is  not  immune  to  the  craziness  around  us,  but  it helps  to  smile  and  have  a  positive  attitude.  In  the  end  everything  will  be  okay.

 Daesia C Espinoza



  1. Sounds like you have a very wise young lady there. Thanks for posting this Starla...God bless you my friend.

    1. Yes Salina, my mother has said that Daesia has an old soul ever since the day she was born. We are very close and she talks to me about everything. I'm so thankful that she loves the Lord.

  2. Lovely post by your daughter Starla, what a blessing :)

    1. Thank you Anita. It's nice to know that she believes in me and listens to the things I teach her about God. But she has her own mind and she knows Him for herself. She is a part of our women's bible study group and the women just love her. They all mentor and minister to her and she loves it.

  3. Starla, this is so beautiful!

    1. Thanks Dawn. I agree, it really truly touched my heart. ;)

  4. Hi Starla, This is beautiful. I too have a daughter, and a son :) I was pregnent with my daughter when I was diagnosed. She has ALWAYS known about my MS. I can see in her personality, what that "knowing" has done. It's been a wonderful thing.
    We have another thing in common; I am African American. There are fewer of us in the blog world of MS:) I'd love to follow you, and for you to visit my site when you get a chance:
    Be well,

  5. Hi Estizer, so nice to hear from you. Thank you for visiting my blog. Yes, MS in African Americans is a lot more aggressive and it's very important for us to realize that. I will be sure to visit your blog and follow you as well. Thanks for the invite and be well.
