Acupuncture, Rolfing (deep tissue massage aimed at realigning the body with gravity), hypnosis, and chiropractic care are examples of Complimentary and Alternative Medicine also known as CAM. CAM Therapy is not an area that is typically covered by insurance. Here are some ideas to cover costs from the Spring 2012 edition of Momentum, the magazine of the National MS Society.
If you are employed, ask your employer or health plan administrator about a "rider" in which people buy additional insurance coverage specifically for CAM services. You may be able to get a pre-negotiated discount.
Take advantage of a flexible spending account or FSA. This allows you to set aside pretax dollars for qualified medical expenses.
Ask CAM providers if they offer payment plans or discounts for paying upfront or in cash or save money by researching community-based providers in your area that offer services such as yoga, massage and acupuncture.
The National MS society often provides access to free or low priced services such as yoga, massage and acupuncture. Call 1-800-344-4867 to ask an MS Navigator about community providers and organizations in the area including your Society chapter.
Biogen Idec has a great website that offers a full range of assistance for MS patients. They will send you free exercise DVD's, all you have to do is register. I received my free copy and it's a great video that provides different ability levels. They also have fitness and diet education, healthy recipes, an online journal for tracking your progress, games to stimulate your brain, free personalized support, a peer mentor program and many other resources. Simply go to and get started. It's a great website.
Live well and stay active.
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